Dearly beloved Bride of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here is your Bridal Word for today.
There are many examples of the Bride in scripture, and today I wanted to share about Esther (though her Hebrew name was Hadassah). This particular word today in response to the heart cry for prayer and intercession as often expressed on this whatsapp group. The story of Esther is familiar to many as the beautiful young Jewess who becomes queen, and raised to such a royal position for the salvation and deliverance of her people from the evil plot to annihilate the entire Jewish population scattered throughout the vast Persian Empire.
At first, Esther was unaware of the danger poised against her own people, until she heard about the distress of her uncle Mordecai who was in sackcloth and ashes, wailing bitterly outside the King’s Gate. So she sent one of her attendants to go and find out what was troubling him, and the news came back to Esther about the plans to wipe out the Jews, with the request from Mordecai that she must go to the King and beg for mercy on behalf of her people. This was no easy thing, and would put her very life in mortal danger as no one was permitted to approach the king in the inner court without being summoned, the penalty for which was death, unless the King extended the golden sceptre to spare their life. But Esther had not been called to go to the King for thirty days, and so reported this back to Mordecai, that she had not been summoned and would be breaking the law. At this point, Mordecai replies with one of the most famous verses from Esther, found in Esther 4:14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
Esther’s response is remarkable and heroic, willing to perish if she should fail in her approach to see the King and make the plea for mercy on behalf of the Jews. It is here that the heart of Esther is revealed in its full beauty. We see that she had not been corrupted by the luxury of her position, and put the needs of others before herself. More than this, she demonstrated her faith in God, and her dependency upon Him to sustain her, by humbling herself to fast for three days along with her attendants and all the Jews living in Susa.
I’ll share part 2 tomorrow. But I wanted to say that the lesson from Esther is that she was the Royal Bride, and called to such a high position, not so that she could receive half the kingdom as was offered to her, no, but that she could stand before the King on behalf of her own people. The Bride has the attention of the King, and when He sees her, stood in humility and clothed in beauty, He will extend the Royal Sceptre.
Lord we lift up all those who are in peril today. Those who by reason of their faith in you, are persecuted, and against whom such evil is plotted or being carried out. May you strengthen each one, surround them by a holy ring of fire with angels standing at the gates. Let no harm befall your people, and let your enemies be scattered. Lead us O Lord in your paths, grant us mercy, that we may walk humbly but with confidence knowing that we have your heart and your attention. Thank you Lord, Amen
Mike @Call2Come