the Bridegroom is Coming
the Spirit and the Bride say "Come!"
the Bride has come of age
the Bridal Restoration of Nations
let the Bride arise
since 2008

the Bridegroom is Coming
since 2008
the Spirit and the Bride say "Come!"
since 2008
the Bride has Come of Age
since 2008
Bridal Restoration of a Nation
since 2008
let the Bride arise!
since 2008
let the Bride arise!
Our Vision
We see in regions and nations around the world the Bride of Christ gathering together in times of worship and prayer to pour out her heart in the purity of longing, repentance, and intercession asking Jesus to Come. We believe this is a prayer Jesus longs to hear perhaps more than any other, because it reflects the heart of His Bride for her Bridegroom and postures her into deeper intimacy with Him. This posture positions the Bride to receive the anointing and authority necessary to help her get dressed in preparation for His Return.

We see the emergence and governmental operation of the “Ekklesia” in a way that hasn’t been seen since the days of the early church. Now because “Ekklesia” is regional, it necessitates the raising of bridal-conscious apostles and prophets who can partner with the Lord and each other, taking responsibility for the geographical territory to which they have been assigned. In no way does this exclude the pastor, teacher, and evangelist, because all five gifts are needed to bring maturity and fullness to the Body of Christ.
What We Believe
The Bride of Christ has an urgent mandate only she can fulfil: to make way for her Bridegroom King, by preparing a highway of holiness and straight paths of righteousness upon which the King of Kings will return. There is work only she can do and prayers only she can pray. To her alone is the sceptre of the King extended. It is with His Bride the Lord will partner in the administration of His decrees and government upon the earth.
The Bride has come of age! There is a biblical precedent that reveals how the bride will grow up under the guardianship (or custody) of another until the time comes when she must leave the familiarity of home to embark on a journey toward the Bridegroom. We see this principle with Israel in Egypt, and Rebekah in Laban’s house. We believe that in every nation around the world, the Bride has come of age! This principle means the Bride can accede to her royal position in a way she was not able to before. Her voice will be directly heard and responded to in the courts of Heaven. The implications are most profound and we want to steward this revelation well, partnering with Heaven’s decree to all nations.

The Bride of Christ is a warrior bride! She stands among the nations of the world as a royal princess wielding in her hand the sceptre of the King. She is His glory upon the earth, and so breathtakingly beautiful she has many enemies intent on her demise. But she is not weak, she is very strong. For she is in Christ and the corporate expression of oneness in the church.
We believe the Bride has been planted in the nations around the world, commissioned to recover the stolen birthright of a nation and bring its glory back into the New Jerusalem as a love gift to Jesus. The Bride’s presence on the land is pivotal for effecting national transformation and healing. She serves as an intercessor, answering the call in 2 Chronicles 7:14 to pray for the healing of the nations. Her essence possesses an intrinsic quality that resonates with both Heaven and Earth. While she is seated in Heavenly places, her feet remain firmly planted on the soil, recognizing that it is here where her influence is most needed and where her mandate will find its fulfilment.

There is a changing of the guard—a paradigmatic shift has come to the church. It is time for the “Ekklesia” to align with Heaven’s blueprint, and not the legacy of human tradition, culture or denomination. There is an activation in the Spirit for the Elijah generation to arise, and as it was manifest in John the Baptist, to be “friends of the Bridegroom”. That’s why we believe in helping to mentor and equip a bridal-conscious prophetic culture around the world, whether in helping form or support prophetic councils or engaging in prophetic assignments.
We believe in a soon outpouring of the Holy Spirit the church has never experienced because it is reserved for the Bride of Christ. It will not be released by asking for more of the Holy Spirit in another outpouring or revival. No, this anointing of the Holy Spirit to come is one that is sent by the Bridegroom King in advance of His glorious return to help His Bride prepare. The Bridegroom King will release the Counsellor when He knows it is the Bride who is asking and her desire is only for Him.
There are a number of ways in which you can delve into our growing library of treasured resources. From over a decade of experiences, insights, and revelations, we have categorised our teaching resources into three areas.
Step into a world of inspiration and revelation with our QuickBite teaching series. Born out of the challenges of the COVID pandemic, these bite-sized nuggets of wisdom are designed to provide answers to some of the most pressing questions about the Bride and her mandate. Whether you’re seeking clarity in turbulent times or hungering for deeper understanding, our growing library of QuickBite teachings offers a beacon of light and hope. Join us on this journey of discovery as we continue to release transformative insights in this dynamic and accessible format. Embrace the power of QuickBite teachings and unlock a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.
From Genesis to Revelation the story of the Bride is there to be found. Even the last prayer in all of scripture is one prayed by the Bride calling upon her Beloved to “Come”. The church knows the biblical concept of the Bride of Christ, but she is more than a doctrine—she is a person. The Bride is our ultimate and highest identity, the most beautiful of all God’s creation, with an almost unimaginable destiny: to become “one” with Him, as in a marriage relationship.
Having doctrine alone without a “blueprint” is not enough. The Bridal Paradigm is that blueprint! A lens through which we can view all scripture and see the Eternal Purpose of God on full display. John the Baptist first saw Jesus as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”, and that is how we must all first see Jesus, as our Saviour. But John later testifies to Jesus not only as the Saviour, but also as the Bridegroom John 3:29. This is the journey we must also make, to go beyond the threshold of Salvation into the depths of Betrothal.
In this series of short devotionals and inspirational thought we hope to encourage your sacred journey of intimacy and devotion with the Lord as you embark on an exquisite exploration of His love and communion. May each pearl help to enlighten the tender affection our Bridegroom lavishes upon His beloved and draw you closer to His heart, surrendering to the beauty of His embrace and the sweetness of His presence.
"Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." - Amos 3:7 NKJV
The Bride of Christ wears the mantle of a prophet(ess). A hallmark of the generation that will usher in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be the manifestation of the spirit of Elijah (Malachi 4:5,6). John the Baptist received this anointing in his calling to “prepare the way of the Lord”, and it will arise again upon the end time generation. They will be those who like Elijah and John have spent time in the wilderness alone with God in an essential preparation. The “word of their testimony” is the “testimony of Jesus” and “the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.” There is an invite for the royal Bride of Christ into the courts of Heaven, where she will hear and receive the legislation and decrees of the King, which are to be proclaimed upon the earth in acts of prophetic administration.
Our Team
Over the years many people have been involved with Call2Come in Europe, Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central and South America who each contributed to make Call2Come what it is today. We are so grateful for each of you, and the way the Lord has connected us so beautifully together. Today Call2Come is led by a small coalition of prophets and apostles.
Prophetic Team

Mike was called to be a missionary at age ten and has spent his life on mission in the UK and many countries around the world. He carries a prophetic mantle to be a friend of the Bridegroom and partner with others to raise a bridal conscious prophetic voice in the nations. His vision is to see the church arise into a mature Bride and formidable warrior fully equipped for the days ahead. Mike is married to Jo and together they have raised five children and since 2006 have made Cornwall their home where he oversees the Call2Come movement.

Dan was born in London, and throughout his childhood was immersed in outreach ministries across the UK, seeing lives changed as they came to know Jesus – particularly in Scotland. Dan’s personal relationship with the Lord was kindled during his teenage years and has continued to be drawn into deeper intimacy ever since. Having served 7 years as a Royal Marines Commando, Dan now lives in Cornwall with his wife Rachel and two children, where he partners in a regional and international prophetic council. Dan is passionate about the transforming yet unchanging Word of God and has a heart to see the Church embrace her corporate bridal identity that culminates into a call for her Bridegroom King to come.

Markos is a dedicated member of the Call2Come prophetic council, bringing wisdom and insight from his unique perspective in Cuba. Born and raised on the vibrant island, Markos has a deep understanding of the spiritual landscape and cultural dynamics of his homeland. With a heart for prophetic ministry, Markos has spent years cultivating his calling and with a deep hunger for the Word and Presence of God. His prophetic insights are often marked by their depth and clarity, offering guidance and encouragement to those around him. He is known for his compassionate spirit, unwavering faith, and dedication to seeing God’s kingdom established in Cuba.
Markos’ journey with the Call2Come prophetic council is a testament to his commitment to the advancement of God’s kingdom and the fulfillment of His purposes in the nations. His presence enriches the council, bringing a fresh perspective and fervent intercession for Cuba and beyond.
Our Team
Over the years many people have been involved with Call2Come in Europe, Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central and South America who each contributed to make Call2Come what it is today. We are so grateful for each of you, and the way the Lord has connected us so beautifully together. Today Call2Come is led by a small coalition of prophets and apostles.
Prophetic Team

Mike (UK) (Founder)
Mike was called to be a missionary at age ten and has spent his life on mission in the UK and many countries around the world. He carries a prophetic mantle to be a friend of the Bridegroom and partner with others to raise a bridal conscious prophetic voice in the nations. His vision is to see the church arise into a mature Bride and formidable warrior fully equipped for the days ahead. Mike is married to Jo and together they have raised five children and since 2006 have made Cornwall their home where he oversees the Call2Come movement.

Dan (UK)
Dan was born in London, and throughout his childhood was immersed in outreach ministries across the UK, seeing lives changed as they came to know Jesus – particularly in Scotland. Dan’s personal relationship with the Lord was kindled during his teenage years and has continued to be drawn into deeper intimacy ever since. Having served 7 years as a Royal Marines Commando, Dan now lives in Cornwall with his wife Rachel and two children, where he partners in a regional and international prophetic council. Dan is passionate about the transforming yet unchanging Word of God and has a heart to see the Church embrace her corporate bridal identity that culminates into a call for her Bridegroom King to come.

Markos (Cuba)
Markos is a dedicated member of the Call2Come prophetic council, bringing wisdom and insight from his unique perspective in Cuba. Born and raised on the vibrant island, Markos has a deep understanding of the spiritual landscape and cultural dynamics of his homeland. With a heart for prophetic ministry, Markos has spent years cultivating his calling and with a deep hunger for the Word and Presence of God. His prophetic insights are often marked by their depth and clarity, offering guidance and encouragement to those around him. He is known for his compassionate spirit, unwavering faith, and dedication to seeing God’s kingdom established in Cuba.
Markos’ journey with the Call2Come prophetic council is a testament to his commitment to the advancement of God’s kingdom and the fulfillment of His purposes in the nations. His presence enriches the council, bringing a fresh perspective and fervent intercession for Cuba and beyond.
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