
QB5 Who Will Be At The Wedding Banquet?

This follows on from the previous question about the ten virgins and whether we are prepared or not when the Bridegroom returns. Now I’m hoping you’ll grant me some latitude and allow me to use the virgins, the lamps and the oil in a symbolic way. For example oil is a well-accepted symbol of the Holy Spirit, but Jesus doesn’t make this connection directly, its inferred, and therefore we are making an assumption, nonetheless it is a reasonable assumption and one that I’m happy to accept. Now in the same manner, to answer our question who will be at the wedding banquet, even though this is hotly debated, I believe it is reasonable to say the virgins can represent those who are saved. After all, they are all expected at the wedding, they are all part of the bridal company and they are all expecting the Bridegroom to return which reflects their belief.  The problem is that the Bridegroom was delayed in coming, and therefore was longer than they expected, so when they had all awoken the foolish declare that their lamps are going out or some translations say have gone out, but either way it shows that they had been lit previously which means they all began with a lamp and with oil. The difference between them was that the wise took extra oil in a separate flask. The Greek word used for the lamps going out is to quench, this same word is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:19 where Paul writes “do not quench the Spirit“. O how we need be continually filed with the Holy Spirit. Not just once but a daily infilling. There is extra oil for the bride to help her be ready during the night watch. The foolish virgins lamps had been quenched and they had no oil, and therefore whilst they had gone to buy oil, the door to the wedding banquet was shut and they were not permitted to enter, and when they pleaded to be let in, the Lord replied “I do not know you”. So as controversial as it may be, my answer to our question is that not everyone who were saved and therefore began in the bridal company will be allowed to enter the wedding, but only those who have their lamps lit when the Bridegroom comes.