We had the privilege of first meeting Call2Come National Representative for Italy, Justin and Rukshan Khan, when they came with their whole family as delegates at our first World Congress held in Ashburnham Place Christian Conference Centre Sussex England in 2013.
Justin and his family had arrived in Italy some years earlier from Pakistan and had heard about the Congress and had made the journey across Europe to join us at this event. They have subsequently planted a church in Vipiteno in northern Italy and our first visit to them was to dedicate the new church and ordain both Justin and Rukshan as their Pastors.

The Naming of the Church

The Ordination The certificates of Ordination

Italy is an amazing beautiful country and here are a few friends we made during a rare free moment of leisure as we went on a mountain walk one free afternoon

We also had the joy of baptising a group of believers in an icy fresh water mountain river against the background of the beautiful Italian Alps.

This last year 2017 we were able to return for the first anniversary and to celebrate it with the cutting of an anniversary cake.

The Celebration Party
The Call2Come conference
This celebratory event was followed by a three day Call2Come conference entitled ‘Awakening the Bride’. After the sessions we were able to minister to the people.

The Lord was at work healing the sick, delivering others from oppression and depression and many were baptised in His Holy Spirit. We really sensed His presence and His pleasure at the openness of these lovely believers and they received everything He had to give.
The Bridal message was well received and we have been asked to return soon to hold a similar event in several other networked churches that Pastor Rukshan and Justin are connected to in Italy.