The Radiant Bride Hello everyone, it is indeed an honour to be with you today. I express my sincere gratitude to Phoebe and the entire I4K team for extending the invitation to participate in your Prayer Training Programme, specifically focusing on The Nature of the Bride. In the current…
As we shall see later, the answer to this question results in a very important point regarding the relationship between Jesus and His Bride. But first of all we need to take a closer look at the Creation account as given in Genesis 1 and 2 to understand the dilemma.…
I want to share with you today a very deep and profound belief. One which, though we hold lightly, we do so preciously because it reveals such a glorious revelation of our Fathers intentionality towards us as His children, and our Saviours deep love for us as His Bride. Over…
Today I want to develop some deeper truths about the Bride, which I believe will help us to better understand the days in which we are living and the great peril the Bride faces. In these times with continual bombardment from media reports about this crisis or that disaster, whether…
Living in Prophetic Consciousness – Part 7 To the glorious Bride of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that you will stand strong and not be moved away in your devotion to the Lord, but fervently abide in His love, soaking in His presence and being renewed daily in your…
Dearly beloved of God, may you know the fullness of your salvation in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit that works so powerfully within your whole man. For you have been made alive in the Spirit to be a holy temple, a fit habitation of the Spirit of…