
Call2Come’s stand on Israel: Our Statement of faith

Gen17:7 “I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.”

We at Call2Come would like to make it very clear that we believe that God has not changed His mind about Israel nor will renege on His prophetic Word or promises concerning her.

We do not believe that the Church has replaced Israel as Gods chosen people as those who support the theology known as the ‘Replacement Theology’ would suggest but rather that the fulfilment of the gentile Church’s own destiny is bound up with and relies heavily upon the fulfilment of Israel’s destiny and the fulfilment of the prophecies concerning her.

The ministry of Call2Come therefore …….

1) encourages prayer for Israel and support for an understanding of the importance of Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel

2) teaches the message of the Bride as of the One New Man as found in scripture, and which is made up of…. “the full number of the Gentiles and My people Israel”.

3) seeks to recognise that the Gentile Church has been arrogant and even unrighteous in its attitude towards the Jews over the centuries, even to the point of persecution and needs to embrace the fact that they, the gentiles, will be “grafted into them” rather than the reverse.

4) And finally, strives to build healthy and Godly relationships between Jewish and Gentile believers throughout the world and develop understanding and mutual respect between Christians and our Jewish orthodox brothers, especially in Israel.

When God made the covenant with Abraham, He spoke the following…..

“I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”