Our ministry trip to Malaysia in October 2019 had been planned for some time since the Lord had revealed that this nation was a lead Shofar nation in South East Asia….one of the first of seven nations who we believe God has mandated to carry the Shofar message, the revelation that the end time identity of the Church is the Bride and the One New Man, to the Churches in their country and the nations around.
Through discussions with leading intercessors in Malaysia we had felt, along with them, that this was the time and season for Malaysia to hear the Bridal message and so on Oct 7th I set off for Kuala Lumpur from Gatwick Airport for three weeks mission returning on the 29th Oct 2019. Dr Mike was unable to accompany me this time even though it had be planned for both of us to go due to ill health, so for this trip I was on my own. However, my itinerary would also include a week’s visit to the Philippines from the 23rd Oct returning to KL to catch the 29th return flight home to the UK. I was flying on to the Philippines for two reasons. 1) to see a spiritual daughter Osheneye whom I had led to the Lord some years ago on an earlier visit to Dipolog in Mindanao, and who had since married Pastor Peter Beliganio’s son, Sham, our host on that occasion. It was also to see their first child, Horeb. This was to be a delight for me of course.
And 2) to minister for my dear friends Cathy and Mark Kuntz, an American couple who have serving the Lord faithfully for many years in Dipolog. Both Cathy and Mark are very Bridal in their understanding and in all they do and champion a move in seeing the Church of Jesus function in the fivefold ministries so that She might demonstrate maturity and be presented to Jesus as His precious Bride….a mature virgin, “holy without spot or blemish”. Eph 5 v 27
The first 10 days were spent in Kuala Lumpur as guests of Pastor Roy and Margaret Muttiah.
Pastor Alina, his Church secretary and co pastor was so kind and so efficient and took care of everything. They introduced us to many intercessors in Kuala Lumpur, in particular Pastor David Liew who is a leader amongst the intercessors in and around the capital. We were so pleased that while we were there with him and Pastor Roy we were able to be of assistance in setting up the I4M prayer network (Intercessors for Malaysia) for which David and Roy share the leadership.
Later that week Pastor David had arranged for a group of us to spend a day travelling around the city in several cars, praying for and proclaiming blessing and breakthrough, at places of strategic national and spiritual significance, authority and influence. We blew the shofar from within the car accompanied by the reading of scriptures that the Lord gave quite spontaneously. It was a powerful time and we sensed Father’s pleasure and anointing.
On a more personal level it provided me with a rare chance to see the city with its famous and most beautiful buildings and historical sites as we travelled around to locate the places for prayer. The architecture is quite stunning and the overhead beautifully sculptured railway flyovers that weaved their way between the tall space-age style office blocks and hotels, often intertwining each other, made the whole landscape to appear very futuristic. It’s an incredibly clean city too.
Also, on this lighter note, they say that the Malaysians only eat ‘light meals’. They eat as the sun rises giving light and they stop eating at night or very early morning when the lights fade and new light dawns. They seem only have one meal a day but it appears to last from morning to night…..Love it! And ….because of the people-mix of Indian, Chinese and Malay, the food is so varied and all very delicious. Yes, we worked hard but we eat hard too. I was thoroughly spoilt and returned home much heavier than when I came.
At the end of that first week after acclimatising and sharing our vision together, we held the first three day Bridal Conference at Pastor Roy’s Cornerstone Church, in which I was able to share the revelations about the Bride and the One New Man that the Lord has been gracious to download to us at Call2Come Ministries.
We also had the privilege of speaking for three nights at a Messianic Fellowship on the Bride and the One New Man. This was a real joy especially when they asked to pray for me.
I knew that this visit was as much about impartation as it was information and it was such a joy to witness quite clearly the moments when impartation was granted by the Holy Spirit to individuals at the conference, their faces and especially their eyes shining and lighting up with joy and gratitude to God. Then after the Sunday service at Cornerstone Church and ministry at the Messaianic Centre in KL, I flew on to Penang to be hosted by Pastor Reuben Seevaratnam who again is a leader in Intercession and would assist us in moving this ‘Bridal Movement’ forward throughout the Penang Island churches of Malaysia. I was so blessed to meet him and later his whole family.
Pastor Rueben is a gracious and loving brother, a pastor, writer and teacher of the Word. He is a leader in the Lord’s army in Malaysia and in Penang in particular. His father was one of the founding fathers of the Pentecostal Movement in Malaysia.
We were in Penang for the rest of that week till the following Wednesday and enjoyed meeting various Church leaders, sharing with them our vision and mandate and soon we sensed that indeed the Church there too was ready to receive the message we carried.
Pastor Reuben had arranged for us to hold another three-day Bridal Conference in a fellow ministers Church, the Asia Revival Centre, pastored by Terrence Poh who himself had written a wonderful book on ‘The Bridal Quest – a Love Pilgrimage’ so I knew we would have much in common. Unfortunately, he was to be away on ministry in Thailand but his delightful young wife was more than capable to host us and oversee the conference. She herself is very prophetic and a wonderful keyboard and worship leader. The Conference was well attended and the message was well received. The Sunday teaching sessions were televised throughout South East Asia so many nations were able to hear the message. After every session or Church service in both Kaular Lumpur and in Penang, we were able to minister, for healing or impartation of His Spirit, to rows of people who came forward for prayer. The Lord glorified Himself powerfully with visible signs of His presence as people were healed or empowered by the Holy Spirit, many of them falling under the Spirit’s anointing.
Since returning home to the UK we have begun to build up a friendship with Pastor Poh and we are looking forward to seeing how the Lord develops this relationship.
The TV/video recordings of the Conference sessions are now posted on the website (See links) and we hope you will be blessed by watching them. Here is the link for the third Session of the Penang Conference. http://www.facebook.com/AsiaRevivalCentre/videos/vl.381697762608735/3116358455106108/
And so, the ten days mission to Malaysia both in KL and in Penang were completed and very deep relationships were developed. The I4M prayer network continues to grow and is the vehicle God is using to encourage intercession and to share the message of the Bride throughout the land.
We are planning on returning again this year 2020, and this time both Dr Mike and myself will minister together. Our purpose will be to bed down the teaching on the End Time Identity of the Church, that is the Bride of Christ, and to train and equip teachers of the Bridal message who can communicate with scriptural integrity and contagious passion, for it is simply not enough for people to just ‘get the message’ but we must ensure that the ‘message gets every believer’ who hears it. It has to be deeply imparted into their spirit and shift their mindset so much that then everything the do or think has a bridal connotation and significance.
The Philippines (Oct23rd to
29th 2019)
And so on the 23rd I flew on to Cebu in the Philippines and then on to Dipolog in Mindanoa Island. We had a wonderful few days together with Osheneye and Sham and their little boy Horeb. They had arranged a preaching programme for me at the churches I had ministered to previously on earlier visits. It was so good to see them again and share the Bridal message to many to who it was new and of course to pray and minister deliverance, healing and impartation to many people.
I was also able to spend a lot of time in fellowship with Cathy and Mark and encourage them in what they were doing in empowering and training many young people and a growing number of pastors in the fivefold ministries and in signs and wonders. The various groups of youth that they are discipling are encouraged to live ‘dangerously’, in praying with people on the streets or in their homes, wherever they met them, believing that a miraculous and supernatural encounter with Jesus will ensue if they can only pray for them. Every night they would gather together with Mark and Cathy for a time of worship, thanksgiving and testimonies about what the Lord had done during that day. I was privileged to be a part of them for a while …. this end time generation of young warriors who are prepared to believe the Word and do what Jesus said. I saw the beginnings of “the manifestation of the Sons of God upon the earth” Rom 8 v 19 and it was so exciting.
On the 29th I returned to Kaula Lumpur to begin the long flight home to England very blessed and inspired.